
SRK on Indian Films [Acting & Performing]


Interview at BAFTA (The British Academy of Films and Television Arts) in 2006. SRK talks about how he perceives Hindi Films to Gurinder Chadha, the director of "Bend it Like Beccham".

I used to be a part of theatre. And one thing we were taught was you never isolate the emotions. So if you are only happy. You don't just be happy. Where other emotions are running parallel to the happiness. Somehow as an actor, you should capture that. I would say Indian films are like that but a little more in your face.

Like a cabaret dancer or the variety show presenter. Where you are supposed to sing and dance and make everyone have an entertaining time. When I was younger and stupider, I used look down upon Indian films. "There's no character!". But it is awfully difficult to really convince yourself to dance around trees and look sort of ...still relevant.

G: You do it awfully well, Shah Rukh, doesn't he? (laugh)

I genuinely believe... I mean I'm not giving the importance to the acting in India. I think there are so many wonderful wonderful actors all around the world But it IS like a workshop for an actor.

To be able to do this, suddenly cry and dance on top of the train then head off toward a bad guy and jump from the building and quickly go to your mom.....whatever.

