
(2) Shah Rukh Khan Story [Shah Rukh Khan Story]

Muslims remained in India were then having hard time with the Hindu fundamentalists attacking them. Meer studying in Delhi was also in danger. His classmates slept around him in a circle to protect him in the dormitory.

Meer attained his lawyer's degree when he was 21 but he never became a lawyer. Nor he didn't become a politician even though he had many offers and actively worked as one of the freedom fighters.Meer was romantic dreamer and idealist, extremely honest person. He had a great sense of humor and was liked by many but rather introverted. Not quite relevant for lawyer or politician but for a poet. He failed in some businesses for he couldn't be tactfully diplomatic or act smart.

When he was around 25, he headed for Mumbai to become an actor just like his own son. The legendary film Mughal-E-Azam was in production and he took audition of a role. When Meer was working in the politics, there were many ladies came to join his political group attracted to Meer's charm. But he couldn't get the role and he was informed to stand in the line of junior artists, extras. I guess he was too proud to either ask for the support from his powerful politician friends or successful actors from his hometown such as Dilip Kumar. He could not settle for a junior artist and strive. He eventually got sick and returned to Delhi one year later.

One day when he was 29, he saw a terrible car accident while walking near the Indian Gate with his friend. The driver crawled out and fled away from the rolled over car. Meer and his friend Major General Shah Nawaz Khan rescued women from the ruined car. One of them was 16 year old Latif Fatima Begum who had burning eyes of passion and charming dimples.

《To be continued》

(1) Shah Rukh Khan Story [Shah Rukh Khan Story]

Here is my new attempt. The Life Story of Shah Rukh Khan. I started to write for Japanese readers since there are only few information of him available in Japanese . I know it has no meaning for international readers because there are numerous of such stories covered in English . So, this is just for my own sake to organize his biography and digest the information as well as the writing exercise.

The story is based on several books, interviews and documentaries. Some of them I don't even remember where I got from. So please forgive me if there are, and I'm sure there are lots, any inaccuracy or inappropriate parts. Please take it as a light-hearted attempt of an indiscreet SRK fan.

Here comes "The Life Story of Shah Rukh Khan #1" …

Meer Taj Mohammad Khan, Shah Rukh's father was a beautiful man with tall slim figure, fair skin and bright eyes. He was born in 1928 as the sixth child in a Pathan family who lived near the Qissa Khawani Bazaar(Story teller's Bazaar) in Peshawar. Peshawar was a part of the Indian Empire and ruled by the British Government back then. Meer joined the independent movement from very young age following his brothers. But the family decided to send Meer to Delhi for further study in order to get the Lawyer's certificate. Meer was 18 years old.

Next year, in 1947, the independent movement succeeded but those who wished to establish a Muslim country separated from India was determined and they created Pakistan against the wish of Gandhi and Nehru.

At the border, there were two long long processions of people crossing each other. One was Hindus heading India from Pakistan and the other was Muslims heading Pakistan from India. They left home leaving everything behind.

Peshawar is in Pakistan side and Meer's family was Muslim. However, they were persecuted by the new government because they acted against separation until last minute. Meer's eldest brother was imprisoned for seven long years since the separation. Meer's name was also on the black list and he was refused to enter Pakistan at the border. Then the India Pakistan war had started and Meer Taj lost his home town at the age of 19.

《To be continued》

タグ:Parents Meer Taj
